Why Train Core For Knees?
Every hears that they should work their core and to keep a tight core when working out, which is true. Core strength is important to help...

Want To Supplement Running In The Winter?
Too cold and icy and to run outside? Try adding in some strength training! A 2017 systemic review has shown that adding strength training...

What To Look For In A Shoe?
With holiday sales kicking into full gear, patients have started to ask what to look for when buying a new running shoe? Different...

Should You Wear Compression Gear?
If you work out or train odds are you have used compression garments at some point, but are they helping? Studies show that compression...

How Long Should I Ice?
Although old school, after a long workout ice can still be beneficial for reducing muscle soreness and to help speed up recovery times....

Feeling Fatigued Before You Even Start Your Workout?
Studies show that athletes who sleep on average less than 8 hours per night have a 1.7x greater risk of being injured during sport than...

When to Foam Roll?
Patients often ask when they should foam roll? It depends on your performance goals but generally 5-10 minutes before a workout and 10-20...

What's The First Thing You Noticed In This Picture?
What's the first thing you noticed in this picture? Was it the curve through the spine in the x-ray? Was it the swimmers muscle deformity...

Why Do They Wear That Tape?
As the Olympics enter the final week of competition, the athletes continue to use various forms of treatment to help their bodies recover...

Whats With The Bruises?!?!
If you've been watching this years Summer Olympics you might have caught a glimpse of US athletes Michael Phelps, Alex Naddour, and...