How Long Should I Ice?
Although old school, after a long workout ice can still be beneficial for reducing muscle soreness and to help speed up recovery times....

Usain Bolt Is Not The Perfect Runner
Last month, researchers at Southern Methodist University said they found something unexpected during video examination of the fastest...

Heel Pain in The Morning?
Do you experience pain in the bottom of your heel after waking up? There are a number of conditions that cause pain on the bottom of your...

What to do with bruises?
Whether you bumped into you desk or collided during your last match, bruises can be ugly and painful. Bruises are caused when tiny blood...

Issue With the Low Back?!? Stretch the Lats Out!
With rounded shoulders and tight pectoral muscles, the lats become tight and limit their flexibility. With a decrease in lat flexibility,...

Why is Ankle Strength Important?
With walking, the effort by the ankle extensor muscles (shin muscles, pointing the toes up) is twice as much as the knee extensors...

Feeling Fatigued Before You Even Start Your Workout?
Studies show that athletes who sleep on average less than 8 hours per night have a 1.7x greater risk of being injured during sport than...

Lack of Sun, Vitamin D, and Indoor Training
Living in New England when the temperature outside drops, more athletes are forced to train indoors to maintain their health and achieve...

We Are Moving!
I know I've been quiet on the social media front but big things are coming! Starting in March, I will be relocating to 129 Church Street...

When to Foam Roll?
Patients often ask when they should foam roll? It depends on your performance goals but generally 5-10 minutes before a workout and 10-20...